Saturday, June 28, 2008

photos from Dean

These are seven signets that were seen at the refuge. They are sticking close to their parents and learning how to eat grass seed. Thanks to Dean Kleinhans for sharing the photos!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My flowers are alive!

We went to the wildlife drive today and I was sooo excited to see these flowers. They are called Showy Penstemon. Last summer my family volunteered to be wildflower gardeners for a plot of prairie flowers on the wildlife drive. We had a newborn in the house and it was a HOT summer (that meant it was quite a challenge to keep the new plants alive). They were looking pretty scraggly by the end of growing season and I wasn't sure they'd even come back up this year. Evidently they had been putting down some good roots that first year because look at them now. So fun!
Robin Delong did the planting (since we had just had our son) and gave them water the week we were gone on vacation so she gets kuddos as well. :)

I just love it when the lupine is in bloom...
We saw this snake slithering across the wildlife drive. This is the first time I have seen a snake at the refuge. I don't know my types of snakes, can someone help me out and tell me what kind it is? Click on comments at the end of this post, I'm sure others are curious as well. Thanks!


Saturday, June 7, 2008


The lupine is in bloom at the refuge. A big thank you to David Berger for sharing this photo...